Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sheila's Surprise!

 Last night some of the 'Thursday Night Gang' were invited to share an evening with Sheila and Keith Denny,  their family and friends, It was a wonderful evening such a great family thanks especially to the girls who set it up and done the buffet, well done to you all, must not miss the boys out, and all the children who provided many a happy laugh while they played and danced to the music, so well behaved I must say. It was such a pleasure to be invited. The photos are not great but this is Sheila arriving, dear lady she will be a while before it all sinks in I expect and opening the gifts as well.
 Simon, one of Sheila's sons plays with Cool Blue, and they provided a rather special evening of music, which included… Ray Simmons playing the piano for Shelia's grandaughter to sing a beautiful show song, what a lovely voice that young lady has…Chris Cappoci on the trombone… Simon and Ray did a few songs which they had never done before, very moving.  The music was so good all the evening so thank you all.
Whoops Barry I know you do not like to be smiling in a photo but I seem to have the light in front of you, great piano playing.

Thank you June for driving, and thanks to all the great company, a lovely evening to celebrate a wonderful lady who through all things manages to keep smiling and who I am proud to call a friend, may you continue on to the next birthday with happiness and good health, you are well loved by us all Sheila.

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