Sorry about the nice grey hair in front! but good to get all the lads in the photo.
Only five last night but what a great sound they made. they certainly played so hard and thank goodness we had a lovely crowd in so they were well appreciated...Roy also gave us some songs, I forgot to recharge the camera battery so took Roy's pic. on June's camera, but of course cannot put them here, but thank you Roy you sang well...

I could not resist this one of Trummy, my goodness that man can play ..this is his!!!!!!!!well everyone who comes to the jazz knows what Tim calls the instrument, and what a trombone player as well.. so many notes, well done Dick it was really good as were you all.

These four lovely people are the swing dancers that come to join in when they can, and they are brilliant, sorry the camera battery ran out lads as wanted to get you both in full uniform, but will do so next time I hope...

Looks like bliss.. Andy thanks for asking me to dance it made my night, even if some friends (ha ha Duncan and Colin) thought it was amusing to see the old gal dancing with a man in uniform!

This of course is a put up fight, sorry it took so long for me to take it, but it came out well, last one before the battery ran out!
I know a lot of folk look in even if they do not comment on here, so thank you for supporting the Sole Bay Band.
Thanks Alan for the magazine, so glad that the Just Jazz Magazine decided to post the article, and maybe I will do another at a later date..
Thanks for a great night everyone, and if you like the swing dancers they will be doing some dancing on Sunday in the hangar at the Air Museum, also the Spitfire hopefully will be arriving for a fly past, I will try for another photo..
Time you invested in a spare battery, perhaps.
Another splendid night, even with the fighting.
Ha ha just set up for the camera,they are great pals and such good fun, and oh wonderful dancers.
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