Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Night of Jazz…

 Good morning Jazzers… Another great evening of live music from The Sole Bay Jazz Band and friends… Thanks to Rob who sat in for Craig on the drums…

Thanks as always to Fudge for the photos… Tony was busy videoing… so looking forward to those, as not always easy to hear the band properly with it being a Social Club, and I am the worst person to sit near ( sorry Sandy you bore the brunt of my tutting last night!!!)  we all chat quietly but not usually when the soloists are playing, unlike some new folk who were chatting constantly near us!.  Hope they realise if they come again to keep it less loud ! (sorry but it is my blog!) you can always comment!!!

However they could not really spoil the brilliant Sole Bay music, so much talent. Barry with  some songs,  always nice to hear some of those that bring back memories of  who have sung them in the past ,we are so lucky, I am so happy to be back among you all. Thanks as always to Chris and Clover for the raffle, and of course the fun Fudge brings with that as well. Kerry behind the bar with her smile and always knowing what folk like to drink!.

Thanks also to those who ferry us back and forth so we oldies can enjoy the music !

I do want to add, that several of the regulars who have been enjoying the band for years have not been able to attend because of ill health, so sending our love to them all, lovely to have Neil back last night.

Right at last here are the photos from Fudge…

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