Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Morning Jazzers…

 Another good evening with the Sole Bay Jazz Band at Ditchingham… Not many there to enjoy the music, but as always it was very good indeed…Lovely to meet up with all my good  friends as missed last week.

Thanks to Barry again for taking us, and bringing us home through all the traffic lights and  paths broken up , while everyone has to have fibre put in… I had mine done a few weeks ago, now its like they have started everywhere, and dug outside here twice now!

So was pleased to be taken to Jazz out of the noise and dust… but progress has to be made, unfortunately it has meant my land line has been out of use for several weeks, some people have not been able to contact me, so last evening learned that Jenny's hubby Terry Doddington had past away, so sad and wishing the family love. Also Neil had a fall, so hopefully he will soon recover.

Fudge as always has done her best to photograph  the gentlemen in the band, and Tony was busy videoing… 

Thanks to Clove and Christine for the raffle, and against many odds I actually won a prize last night! Kelly doing a grand job with the Bar, very hot work there last night.

Oh great I have just had a power cut and thought I had lost everything I had just written, but hey ho all back on again and manage to save this, so will quickly get it posted and put the time right on microwave etc! sadly the phone pipped but no go …still no connection.

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