Sunday, October 06, 2019

Dixie Mix fun…

Thank you Jan for treating me to a great night out. Great that Janice had her first time of hearing them.

Dixie Mix always one of our favourite bands, and we had not seen them for ages.

Nice venue at Wangford and nice people there as well, Thanks Elizabeth and James for going to the pub for drinks as we forgot it was take your own!!!!

Thanks  Simon…Chris…John…Pete…Tony… Kevin …you get better, not only playing but with the entertainment, and thanks also for the hugs . 

The singing was great, love the duets and Pete just is Pete what a great musician and always with a smile … always love Stranger on the Shore …nice to see Simon on drums while Tony sang the Old Rocking Chair…nearly every piece got the audience appreciating it all.

Some of the photos did not come out well …Sorry Kev you were a but blurred …but I was sitting between people and did not want to disturb them…but you can get a flavour of the lads… 

Yes I can see you Tony!

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