Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Great Jazz…

 Great evening of live Jazz as always the gentlemen play so well, and although the audience was rather sparse,  a really enjoyable Jazz night. I do realise that I did have a few months when I was not at jazz, but so glad to be back, and we have lost a few dear friends in those years, would be nice to find a few more lovers of live music. especial  thanks to those who ferry us back and forth.

I do hope that a few more folk manage to get along to keep the band going, as the raffle and bar help thanks Kelly,  and thanks to Chris and Clover for the raffle  and Janice folding the tickets…and of course Fudge for her fun when the raffle is called! but we need bottoms on seats to keep these fine musicians playing for us.

Barry came along and sung a few songs… been missing for a few weeks…that mike still playing up!!! and Martin sang as well…

Everyone played a few solos and as always when Tim and Martin play either saxophone or clarinet, they are so talented. Ray on the piano again so great as are Mick… lovely deep bass, and Alan, that banjo sounding good…really nice to hear some drum solos from Rob, he has fitted in well when Craig is unable to play.

Looking forward to Tony's videos. he looked like he had a bit of a problem last night with the camera, so lets hope all is well.

Thanks as always to Fudge for the photos…

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