Thursday, May 21, 2020

Sole Bay Jazz Band

Good morning Jazzers… Yet another Thursday without the physical band members… however I hope that one day this will contain the line up for our evening of Jazz and friendship…

As Tony does a great job of the latest band videos…I looked for a few photos from the past for your memories…

It will be Roy Symonds birthday tomorrow, I am in touch with him, and do try to have a chat and wave when I do my walk past his…and will make sure I see him tomorrow …he misses everyone and you know Roy he misses his hugs…

I expect a lot of you know that Ian Murray had a nasty fall and ended up in hospital a few weeks ago, he sent me a photo of his poor face, so I am sure you will like me wish him a speedy recovery… watch where you put your feet whilst out everyone.

Happy Anniversary to June and Les 59 yrs yesterday 

My specs broke on Sunday, leaving me trying to see! , however thanks to Martin Story Opticians who fixed me in on Monday… I was worried as had only been out a few times and not met people outside the family …have been self isolating…the staff welcomed me  they all had masks and gloves lots of hand sanitiser……they gave me a mask  took my temperature … Martin himself in  full PPE gear ready to test some ones eyes…actually seeing someone not just on TV in full PPE was really eye opening literally ! it is cumbersome, hot and so I thought of all those wonderful NHS and others who have to wear this everyday to help others. my heart goes out to them… I was helped to pick a new frame, luckily I do not need a new prescription  I now await my new specs! fingers crossed quickly as I am wandering around without them… thank goodness have reading glasses…

I really hope you are all keeping well and with the correct safe space between others…… We will have to learn to get back to some sort of normal. I am missing our Thursday nights, and enjoying keeping in touch with some of you jazzers…

Stay safe…

A few photos…about 2012/13


Unknown said...

Nice write up Beryl, keep up the good work. 😊👏

Alifan said...

You too Tony xx

alan said...

Well done Beryl a nice update blog. best regards to Roy & hope Ian is getting over his fall.
Garden looks as always great

Take care all of you out there


Alifan said...

Thanks Alan do hope you and Gina are keeping well,popped to see Roy yesterday it was his birthday, I said everyone sent him best wishes, and he said how much he missed everyone. So sad to see him so ill when he was so full of energy. But he is determined to keep smiling. Ian had rung him and said he was feeling better, after his bad fall.

Stay safe.