Friday, July 26, 2019

Sole Bay Jazz Hot Night!

Well firstly I must thank the wonderful Sole Bay Jazz Band especially the guests who travelled in all that heat  and storms to play for us last evening at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham… I do hope the journeys home were not too bad.

It was a stormy hot night…thunder… lightening …pouring rain… lights going out while the band kept playing just like the war years ha ha Clive yes I know you were too young to remember that thanks for reminding me!!!!!

Thank you so much to Geoff…Pete…Ray… and our great back liners Alan …Craig and Tony plus some great vocals from Barry ( sorry again for that damn mike) but you bravely carried on.

What a wonderful fun evening as always when Geoff and Pete play, it has been far too long since we have seen them, the whole band lit up and I mean lit up with that storm some great songs as well from Pete and Geoff, Geoff reminded me of some tunes that Barbara Green used to love …which were for bands that could not rehearse! her Banjo playing was really good…and she always had a smile, there were plenty of smiles and laughter last night so again thank you.

Sadly only a very few of the fans turned up to enjoy the evening, but I know that all who were there enjoyed it so much, and thank you for digging deep as always for the raffle, Lovely prizes and well done Clover you did a grand job, thanks to Duncan and Colin for folding the tickets.

Oh yes and thanks Wendy for supplying that fan for the band for the evening! We must think about investing in a couple of fans Alan.

Thanks Holly a good job behind the bar…lovely and helpful.

I did take a few photos but have a busy day so will pop them on later.

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