Monday, August 07, 2017

The Quartet…

Great idea Jan to go to Milestones  Sunday evening … To see and hear 'Jazz Unlimited' Thank you…

So nice to meet up with June and Duncan …about time …we have left it far too long…

Nice to see some of the Ditchingham jazz folk there as well…

Super night of live talented music, very enjoyable, only problem…first half it started to get warm, so had a giggle that it would be like Thursday night only hot air!!!! then when they had a break they put the air con on! thought it was very nice to start with (sorry Chris) but then they did not turn it off, so we gradually all got very cold!!!So Milestones think on looking after your customers!!!!

A couple of photos as was not sure I should be taking them there as did not ask…so they are a dark and moody!

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