Friday, December 09, 2016

Sole Bay Jazz Band with friends…

Last evening at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham, we were entertained with a rather different line up, and what a pleasure so many tunes and a couple of vocals which some of us joined in with…

A really good crowd to support the band and I do hope everyone enjoyed it as much as us at the front did. Lovely to hear you singing Stella! A great little friendly corner and as I have said before it is so good after 8 years of doing the raffle to be able to sit at the front and really enjoy the music, even if I do miss all the chatting to everyone.

I am sure they would not mind that I say for the age of some of the band …they played all through the evening no chatty breaks, but loads of laughs and fun…and as I said before a lot of unusual music, I know it was not all jazz but so good. Thanks to you all it was great.

Thanks Clover and Chris, another lovely raffle, and to the 'boys' for folding the tickets. 

Heidi kept busy last night! but still that smile.

Nice to see some of the old regulars coming back…

I am not sending many Christmas cards this year I hope no one gets offended, but giving as always to The Norfolk Zipper Club. But sending a very Merry Christmas to one and all at Jazz…

Do not forget to bring some food for your tables on the 22nd, I know the ladies are going to make sure it will be a great raffle, donations always handy if you feel you can, lets make it the same as the past 5 years at the Pavilion a Happy pre Christmas Party.

A few photos from last evening nice bright shirts!

Tony down

Tony pose!

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