Yet another great night of talent from the Sole Bay Gentlemen, and it really was super…
Also I must say how good it is that we have such a wonderful crowd to support the bands, beside the regular fans… how nice to see new faces nearly every week.
I think the combination was so special last night. Only the five of them, but what a great sound, how lucky we are to have them to play every week, and just for the price of a raffle ticket, amazing.
Thanks again to Chris who worked hard with a little help from Jon, as a lot of the sports folk came in as well, a good barman.
Thanks to all the efforts from people to make sure some of the regulars got to the gig, ha ha we did have a job with transport, but thanks to Jan and the removal of a baby seat, all was well so thanks Jan, as always coming to the rescue…
Great to see a lot of the walking wounded much better, although a few were missing, this weather is taking its toll of health, I suppose we are getting older and seem to be tripping over a lot. but how good to see that the draw of the Sole Bay still makes it worth the effort, we are very pleased to see you back Jazz Janet as you know. Hope you feel better soon Marian, and good health to all of us, including my back!!!
So thank you all, and a special thanks to our Jenny, who came and gave us two great songs, not everyone knows the health problems she has suffered, but she is coming back and we are so proud of her, and of course loving her style, keep it going Jen.
So a few photos…in no particular order it seems, (sorry have changed from Firefox to Chrome, and it is taking a time to get used to how it turns out.)
Ron.Tim Clarinet special… |
Jenny… |
Craig posing… |
Australian visitors… |
Tim and Alan… |
Ron and Tony… |
Tony looking up for a change, (Sorry Tony about you know who!) |