Saturday, August 31, 2024

Monday 2nd September!

 Well no idea where August went… as  September has arrived and The Sole Bay Jazz Band will be playing at the Sports Pavilion Ditchingham…on Monday evening…

The line up should be…




If I hear different I will let you know…

Whoever it is ,with these talented musicians you can rely on the fact a very good evening of music will be heard.



Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Jazz at Ditchingham

 Another good evening of Jazz with the Sole Bay Jazz Band…

Fudge as always has taken some great photos… Tony was busy with the video …

Clover and Christine with the raffle with Janice folding all those tickets…and Fudge making the raffle fun…

Kelly busy with the bar…

I did think the attendance was a bit down, but it was a Bank Holiday, the Sole Bay Jazz Gentlemen are so talented that although they do not mind just playing for us there, its always good to have a nice full audience so come on folks, I know I had a while when I could not get to jazz nights, but in the years gone by I was pleased to be part of helping the band, we have lost a lot of those Jazz folk and band members…who used to enjoy these nights…we all like to think they are up there enjoying the music, so lets see if we can get some more folks to enjoy these talented nights with us live!

Thanks to those who drive Jazz Jan and me back and forth …which brings me to the fact that some friends had to get a taxi, and 'Beccles' please try and get more taxi drivers for evenings, as those that are available we thank you, but for some that cannot now drive it is the only way to get to venues…

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monday 26th August…

 This coming Monday Evening at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham…

The Sole Bay Jazz line up will be…




7.30PM- 10PM

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Great Jazz…

 Thanks to the  good friends who ferry us back and forth to Jazz, as it was one of a really  great jazz night. Lucky to have such talented players…Nice and upbeat.

Thanks Fudge for the lovely photos…

Tony for the videos that we all look forward to…

Clover and Chris for the raffle…and Fudge as well, good fun…

Kelly for the bar work…

Sadly another of our good friends of jazz …Don  Elland has gone to join the gang up there …Thanks to his daughters who came with the news and for their gifts for the raffle.

It was nice to see a few more people as well, I missed so much when I was unable to go, but so glad to be back amongst such nice people.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Monday 19th August Sole Bay Jazz Band

 Sorry for the lateness but only just received the line up…



hopefully BARRY will come along to sing…



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Great Evening

 Trust me to miss a great night of Jazz, BT EE have been haunting me since May and yesterday spent 3 -4 hours on the phone again , terrible. so had a filthy bad head and no voice, ha ha no one would complain about that bit!!!

So thanks to Tony have two great photos for the blog, but until I ring some pals to get how it all I went nothing to add.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sole Bay Jazz Monday 12th August

 Hopefully all will be well and I have got it right this coming Monday night, although it was very good last week just different, but with talented musicians they worked hard and were well appreciated.

so we should have…



maybe Barry Langston vocals…


7.30 PM-10PM

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Jazz night

Good Morning Jazzers… After the wrong information fed to me for last night, in the end it was different!!!! 

But as always Tim… Ray… Mick …and Alan …managed to provide us all there with an enjoyable evening, they worked so hard, then in the second half Mark came along with his daughter Cherry to help our 4 hard working gentlemen.

Thanks as always to family and friends that ferry JJ and me back and forth to jazz, we have had so much sad news lately, of lovely friends who were real jazzers, so to all those who have been affected may I add my love and happy memories for those who have gone to join our lovely family up there who we know are looking down enjoying the Jazz.

Thanks to Christine who did the raffle, and Janice for  folding the tickets, and of course Fudge and Tim for providing the fun whilst calling those numbers.

Kelly behind the bar always a smile, even though it was a hot evening, thank goodness for fans!

Fudge took some lovely photos as usual and Tony working hard with the videos which will be on FB later.

It is so good to be back more often now, and mixing with dear friends, we are all suffering with all sorts of age illness and aches and pains, but such a feeling of love and joy when we all get together, sorry I moaned Neil!! ha ha and for swapping places…

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Good evening Jazzers…

 Have just heard from Alan it is Tim.Mick Alan, Ray,Phil ……Hope that at last is correct !!!

Bar …Raffle

7.30pm- 10pm

Have not heard about the line up from Alan so will assume it will be the Fab 5 plus a guest?

As tomorrow is Pete's funeral and a lot of them will be attending, but they should be back for 7.30pm start as have not heard anything different.

See you tomorrow night I hope.

Face Book shared another memory from 6 years ago so will pop that on here for those who do not follow FB.