Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Morning Jazzers…

 Another good evening with the Sole Bay Jazz Band at Ditchingham… Not many there to enjoy the music, but as always it was very good indeed…Lovely to meet up with all my good  friends as missed last week.

Thanks to Barry again for taking us, and bringing us home through all the traffic lights and  paths broken up , while everyone has to have fibre put in… I had mine done a few weeks ago, now its like they have started everywhere, and dug outside here twice now!

So was pleased to be taken to Jazz out of the noise and dust… but progress has to be made, unfortunately it has meant my land line has been out of use for several weeks, some people have not been able to contact me, so last evening learned that Jenny's hubby Terry Doddington had past away, so sad and wishing the family love. Also Neil had a fall, so hopefully he will soon recover.

Fudge as always has done her best to photograph  the gentlemen in the band, and Tony was busy videoing… 

Thanks to Clove and Christine for the raffle, and against many odds I actually won a prize last night! Kelly doing a grand job with the Bar, very hot work there last night.

Oh great I have just had a power cut and thought I had lost everything I had just written, but hey ho all back on again and manage to save this, so will quickly get it posted and put the time right on microwave etc! sadly the phone pipped but no go …still no connection.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Morning Jazzers…

 This coming Monday evening the 29th July…

The Line up for the Sole Bay Jazz Band will be…





Monday, July 22, 2024

Photos from Jazz Night

 Had to miss this evening of Jazz but Fudge has taken some more great photos so enjoy…

Well trouble with computer this evening must be something to do with the new Fibre EE so forgive me hopefully can get it sorted for another time so photos in no particular order sorry 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Monday the 22nd July at Ditchingham…

 This coming Monday the 22nd July…The Sole Bay Jazz with Friends, will be playing with a line up of…






Thursday, July 18, 2024

tribute to Pete

 Sorry about the poor video it was done on my tiny camera several years ago…

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Pete …

 A another great musician has gone to join those already up in the sky…

Farewell Pete, I have a lovely video of him playing Stranger on the Shore and am trying to get it on Face book or here…

But this is a photo from another night

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Talented evening at Jazz…

 A great talented evening of music from The Sole Bay Jazz Gentlemen and Friends…

Thanks as always to Fudge for her photos… and Tony will pop the Videos up on FB a


Lovely to catch up with such great Sole Bay Jazz pals, thanks as always to Barry for taking Jazz Jan and me last evening and for Sandy and Neil ferrying us back home.

Old age has crept on me according to Fudge and Clover ha ha… sorry to Kelly as my fingers had been typing Kerry not Kelly…! who looks after the bar for us all. 

Just wanted to also say welcome back to Dave who had a big op only a short while ago, wishing him continued good health …Also missed you Les and June x hope all well.

Good raffle from Clover and Christine, and Janice last evening folding all the tickets…

Fudge who is getting more creative with the raffle while trying to get those tickets sorted as the colours must affect our brains as it takes a while for folk to decide if they have the right numbers on the right colours…!!! but of course the reason for the raffle is to help Alan to provide these  amazing musicians  to play each week at Ditchingham, not an easy make!! So we can listen to great music and singing without the entrance fee.

We had not only the Sole Bay 5… plus Bill…with Barry and Amanda vocals… Ash taking the drums for a play…Geoff on harmonica …

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Morning Jazzers

Good morning Jazzers… this coming Monday the 15th July at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham …The Sole Bay Jazz Band will be playing with the line up of…








Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Night of Jazz…

 Good morning Jazzers… Another great evening of live music from The Sole Bay Jazz Band and friends… Thanks to Rob who sat in for Craig on the drums…

Thanks as always to Fudge for the photos… Tony was busy videoing… so looking forward to those, as not always easy to hear the band properly with it being a Social Club, and I am the worst person to sit near ( sorry Sandy you bore the brunt of my tutting last night!!!)  we all chat quietly but not usually when the soloists are playing, unlike some new folk who were chatting constantly near us!.  Hope they realise if they come again to keep it less loud ! (sorry but it is my blog!) you can always comment!!!

However they could not really spoil the brilliant Sole Bay music, so much talent. Barry with  some songs,  always nice to hear some of those that bring back memories of  who have sung them in the past ,we are so lucky, I am so happy to be back among you all. Thanks as always to Chris and Clover for the raffle, and of course the fun Fudge brings with that as well. Kerry behind the bar with her smile and always knowing what folk like to drink!.

Thanks also to those who ferry us back and forth so we oldies can enjoy the music !

I do want to add, that several of the regulars who have been enjoying the band for years have not been able to attend because of ill health, so sending our love to them all, lovely to have Neil back last night.

Right at last here are the photos from Fudge…

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Jazz at Ditchingham 8th July…

 This coming Monday the 8th of July The Sole Bay Jazz band will be playing for our pleasure at The Sports Pavilion, Ditchingham.










Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Sole Bay Jazz night…

 Yet another great evening of live music with The Sole Bay Jazz Band, once again thanks to Fudge for the photos, and Tony will be popping some videos on Face Book…

With a lovely line up, and sitting in for Mick on Bass… John Grant… with guest Bill Brewer on his Trombone …Barry singing some great songs, Geoff Harriman on Harmonica…And of course the core of Sole Bay …

Tim Densham…Ray Simmons…Alan Cugnoni…Craig Hipperson…

Thanks for those who give us (without cars nowadays) lifts to and from the Jazz, so good to meet up with lovely friendly people. some of those who were absent because of illness, we send you a quick recovery and hurry back to the fold.

Thanks also Clover and Christine for the raffle with Janice folding those tickets! Fudge doing her fun raffle with Tim making sure we know what colour the tickets being drawn are !!!! with  Kerry serving the Bar always cheerful …