Another Thursday and still no live jazz, however hopefully this virus will soon be beaten into a bit of a lull with all the vaccinations … Just hope that those who say they do not want vile things put into their bodies so they will not have jabs! I wonder if they smoke and eat the wrong foods or even drugs, does make me a bit upset to think that a lot of us have had to be on our own during this pandemic, so lets hope they will come to their senses so we can get this home of ours safe to live in again.
Thanks Neil for a couple of photos am still guessing who they are!!!! I have also had some from FB memories and I had a look through old ones so hope you enjoy them. We have had some great times at jazz in the past, will be great to see everyone again.
Thanks to all those who do keep in touch… I am pleased that I have ventured out a few times thanks to family and friends, just fingers crossed tomorrow Optician will give me good news with eyes so I can keep driving for a while longer.
Have been very busy in the garden… lots still to do but all the seedlings are in and as have been watering them, this rain will do them a lot of good. I did not think the bin men would empty the bin for the couple of weeks when it has been collected , it was so heavy, I watched out the window each time, my old neighbours used to have green bins and always allowed me to pop extra in, but they are no longer here, and concrete seems to be the order of the day hey ho. It is a wild garden but it is also messy but lovely, a haven for the birds and bees, in fact at this moment am waiting for another lot of blackbirds to fledge, my nerves are stretched as lots of magpies about who I know have wiped out some blue tit boxes. my little male blackbird has been amazing, lots of screaming yesterday evening and this morning although the babies are shouting no sign of daddy when after getting soaked putting food out, he has turned up at last, honestly like a mother hen here.
My little baby girl blackbird from the first batch, who was damaged, still comes everyday to have her food, she gets chased off with mum and dad blackbird but she is a fighter and can now fly, oh dear now you know what has kept me sane during this lockdown time!!!!
Keep safe…
guess who! |
5 years ago! |
2010 |
our Duncan and Colin
Heather and Colin at a party!!!! |
Our Neil
Those were the days, what a colour! Trummy matched!
Just got another lovely photo from Neil …