Thursday, December 25, 2014


Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Christmas and 
New Year…

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jazz for Christmas!

This Thursday the 18th December, at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham …

We have a good line up of talent for everyone to enjoy, and I hope I am among them! Missed last week…

Tim Densham…Saxophone/Clarinet…

Derek Cubitt… Clarinet/Saxophone…

Tony Parsons…Trombone/Vocals…

Ray Simmons…Trumpet and Piano, 
(not at the same time, although we have seen him do that)!

Tony Jullings…String Bass…

Alan Cugnoni…Guitar/Banjo

Craig Hipperson…  Drums…

Come along and join the friendly crowd that support these fine musicians every Thursday…

This week if you wish you can bring food for your table or fellow listeners, those who cannot no doubt there will be plenty to go around…But do not forget your raffle money!!!!!!!!!

Let us hope it will be a good start to your Christmas jollies!


Well unfortunately I, like a few others was unable to attend our Christmas Party on Thursday night, but I hear all went well with plenty of regulars and some new faces…

Lots of singing as well I hear…

I just would like to say a few Thank you's to …firstly the Sole Bay Jazz Band and friends who turn up every Thursday Evening to provide us all with talented live music… We are so lucky to have live music so close to home with just the raffle ticket to pay for! Such talent, and of course to Alan who organises it all, you are all great.

Speaking of the raffle… Keith and Sheila thank you from everybody for all your hard work with the raffle and the  books you keep in order, I have no idea why a few years ago you decided that I could help with a raffle to aid the band, but I am so glad you did, I thank you on a personal level for always making sure I have gifts, from you… you have no need to as I love meeting all the fans…it is  joy to be part of the 'Jazz' family, but I know you look after me. I do hope we can keep it all going in the future.

A special thank you to Tim as well for treating me out to our lovely meals …Smile!!!!you have become such a good friend.

Thanking as well Jazz Janet for helping out when I am not well enough, and of course  to our dear 'Boys' and Jan who fold the tickets every week…

To everyone at the Thursday nights gigs, I wish you all a Merry (not too merry) Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year…

I look forward to seeing you in the New Year, and once again thank you to everyone who helps to make the friendly place it is. of course to Jon and Marilyn for providing the venue…and our Heidi with the smile!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sole Bay Jazz line up for 11th December…

Just received the line up from Alan…for this Thursday at the Sports Pavilion…Ditchingham…

Hope a good crowd can get to support them and have a fun evening… …

Tim Densham…Saxophone/Clarinet…

Tony Parsons…Trombone/Vocals…

Ray Simmons… Piano…

Tony Jullings…String Bass…

Alan Cugnoni…Guitar/Banjo

Craig Hipperson…Drums…



Monday, December 01, 2014

Sole Bay Jazz Band…

On this Thursday the 4th December at the Sports Pavilion …Ditchingham…

The Line up of Sole Bay Jazz Band…which is looking good will be…

Tim Densham…Saxophone/Clarinet…

Ron Hockett… Saxophone/Clarinet…

Ray Simmons… Piano…

Craig Hipperson…Drums…

Tony Jullings…String Bass…

Alan Cugnoni…Guitar/Banjo…

Hopefully one of the regular singers will be able to come along and provide some vocals…

Hope once again to see a good crowd to support these fine musicians… come along for an evening of fine music with lots of friendly people…


Another great night of jazz from all those above, also had a few songs from Roy…

Would have liked to hear a few more duets from Ron and Tim as they play so well together… but Ray gave us some great piano playing, also would have liked him a bit nearer the others as he gets lost out on the side instead of nearer the front, but of course we cannot have everything. Tony, Craig and Alan keeping the beat as always…

Once again a bit loud for some of us, but at least it does cover the loud chatting that seems to go on regardless… however nice to know that everyone enjoys meeting up…and as long as the band does not let it bother them it does not matter.

Thanks to everyone for digging deep for the raffle which helps to encourage the band to keep playing each week.

On the 18th several of us have decided  not to do a big buffet to celebrate 
Christmas this year… however please get together those who have tables to provide a few goodies, and for those who cannot… a few of us will make sure there will be plenty for everyone to go around…

Thanks to Jon for allowing us to do that, but do not forget to spend plenty at the bar… unless you are driving that is, as we want everyone to enjoy Christmas…