As Dive has put his new shelves on his site, thought you might like to see my bathroom... been meaning to do it for 6 years, so thanks Ivan great to have all that help......
And for the great bath panel clever chap........
I will put a picture of your beautiful crafted cradle on another time..if you do not mind, I am sure the folks would love to see that......you may get lots of orders for that!
That's a great improvement. Well done!
What a lovely bathroom! I especially like the wood-panelling on the bathtub. My 1926-era apartment bathroom is quite lame compared to this. I do have a dial labeled "diverter" to switch from the tub to shower though.
Hi Katie.. glad you like it....Ivan is a clever chap, nice to have some help...
Wow he's done awfully well, not that I saw the 'before' but it looks very pretty. Could he change a bath to a double shower situation? My dear Mum is not managing the bath yet at all well.
Well; not double, but oblong shape rather than the normal single shower cubicle. You know?
It's beautiful. And what lovely wallpaper!
Thanks Robyn... Must admit Ivan choose it... so very happy with it.....the one I choose did not match the tiles... and I am supposed to be artistic.....
Lynn he still works full time!!!poor chap he seems to be forever busy trying to get this place in order with me!!
Happy mother's Day, Alifan. Makes your sons wait on you hand and foot.
lovely bathroom, sugar! happy mother's day to you. xoxo
Ooh that is a beautiful classic look. I love the dark color of the wood.
Have a wonderful YOU day Mrs.B! I hope you have had great weather to enjoy this time with the boys. Give Oscar a hug for me! I loved his smile down below. :)
Happy Mum's Day; our day isn't until May.
I do like your bathroom re-do. It only took me 20 years to get around to painting my little bathroom! Don't want to rush into these things.
Thank you lovely people.. I had a great day...
So sorry we didn't meet when I was in Norfolk Alifan. We have it to look forward to though x
Got any new photos Alifan? :)
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