Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Sole Bay Jazz Band Evening…

 A much better evening at the Jazz this week, The Band as always were great, but also a few more people there which made it much cosier, Fudge has sent some great photos, so big thanks to her.

Thanks Clover and Christine for the raffle and Janice for folding those colourful tickets, Fudge makes it good fun, people saying they need to be shaken up a bit more, just like they always used to say when I used to do it, remember shaking the bag once and they all fell on the floor!!!!!

Kelly a bit busier behind the bar, with her smile…even if the end of the evening is making coffees! Because people have to drive.

Thanks as always for the lifts JJ and me have, much appreciated, Stuart, Sandy and Neil. Barry brings people as well, every little helps. Such a great evening meeting up with lovely friends listening to talented musicians. Plus a harmonica tune from Geoff, Barry and Amanda singing some good songs, so all in all rather good!!!

Nice that Tim led the band so we could sing Happy Birthday to Les, June and him are like us all …love the evenings of jazz.

As a nice lot of folk look in, I do talk to some who do not bother with the blog, but hopefully those who do can feel the happiness we all feel. Also will find some more memories from the nights gone by. My computer is like me getting rather old, so the photos have to come in no particular order, but they are all important…Also Tony was busy videoing so look forward to them on FB.

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