Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Happy Jazz

 Another good evening of the Sole Bay Jazz Band…

Thanks as always to those that ferry us back and forth, it is so appreciated, and such a shame there are not more people who can bring folk who cannot now drive to get to the venue, as these musicians play their hearts out to us loyal few.

Thanks to Christine and Clover collecting for the raffle again, to Fudge who always finds good names for the colour of the tickets! and the fun…

As not so many folk coming …Kelly who does the bar, is not so busy which means John who lets the band play there is unable to provide as much discount…  and therefore the raffle is very important, I used to do the raffle and books so I appreciate how hard it is to provide a little something for the band…who lets face it do not play for the money…but many travel a long way to play for us all. everyone who comes along pays much more nowadays,  but as there were so many more people in those evenings, the raffle was easier to provide more prizes! I try as some do to contribute to the prizes now and again, maybe if more could provide some beer or bottle of wine, even chocolates that would be a big help…

Now Fudges Photos which as usual are great…even if my dear old computer doesn't let me put them in order nowadays!!!!! looking forward to Tony's videos! Well done Amanda for coping sorry but it was fun!!!!

A little bit of of extra news! Just rung June of June and Les!!! and good news, Les should be coming home from hospital today, he is such a trooper, can't wait to get home to his June, as soon as he is well enough their family will make sure he gets back to jazz, and he wants to thank all those that sent cards for his birthday …

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