Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sole Bay Jazz Band

Last evening The Sole Bay Jazz Band  played at The Flixton Buck must have seemed like old times. I was looking forward to going …but life once again got in the way, but loving how the gentlemen look in their black outfits, hoping a few videos may come my way.

Thanks of course to our Fudge who has let me use her photos.


  1. Not quite like old times, missed quite a few people who would previously have been there, including your good self Beryl. There were three of us there as representatives of our original group - myself, Sandy & Janet. Together with a few other representatives from the Sole Bay followers I believe there was a total of around 15. Bit of a disappointing turnout, but the band did an efficient job in entertaining us.

    The establishment is now very much improved from the way it was several years before, nicely decorated and with a few improved features to the layout. Good attentive staff, food excellent. Hopefully the new owners will be able to build up trade - there has been a lot of effort put in to make the pub an attractive place to go to.

    Just a pity there was not more turnout to create a better social gathering. Many thanks to Sole Bay and the pub staff. Very good photos Fudge.

  2. Sorry, I really cannot wait to come back into the fold, lots of reasons at the moment
    but will be back soon, I do love you all
