Thursday, September 09, 2021

Sole Bay Jazz Band…

 Good morning Jazzers, bit late on here this week, but as I have not attended the jazz have to rely on others to let me know how it goes, The Blog helps people who do not do Face Book…As the more the merrier with advertising the Band.

So thanks to Tony this week for some script and Fudge for the photographs.

Also one from FB memories.

Tony says it was a great evening, excellent crowd  someone said over 50 attended. (hopefully you were all wearing masks when walking about…  and going to the bar. I know Clover and Christine were, we must make sure everyone feels safe, as this Covid is still rather risky even with the vaccine). Especially in enclosed spaces…I do remember how people moaned about draught from open doors! but needs must.

Thanks to Christine and Clover for raffle and for you all digging deep … Emily for her always lovely smile behind the bar as well.

Barry and Janice added some great singing, and if you can get on FB Tony has done some videos, sadly no idea how I could get them on here, … sorry if this is not a lot of news, but know some of you look in…and miss the nights out as I do.

I hope all those who cannot now attend and pop in here are all keeping well, sending best of health to you all. Thank you to all who do contact me. I appreciate it.


  1. Yes an excellent night my thanks to all concerned let’s hope we can continue safely it’s so easy to forget when you are enjoying yourself thank you Beryl for your kind reminder to us all

  2. Alan wish I did not have to, but daughter in law works at Norwich Hospital and some of the tales she has spoken to me about, Covid is something to be careful of. Thanks to Tony and Fudge for letting me use some of the words and photos x
