Saturday, August 28, 2021

Morning Jazzers

 Good morning folks, sorry did not write a blog last week no news from anyone, apart from Fudge and I have borrowed one of her photos as it seems it was a rather good evening.

I had a message from Suzi our  Sheila's daughter…as to whether the jazz will be on Monday… I am sure those of the old gang want to wish best of health to Sheila , our lovely lady.

Have not heard from June to see how Les is but no doubt he will be back asap.

I have just had a phone call from Roy Symonds daughter Helen… Roy is in another care home at Earsham unfortunately he is rather ill now, but I am so glad Helen got in touch, several people had left messages on Roy's phone, now the house is up for sale Helen agreed for me to pop this on here,  so people know not to leave message on answerphone, I have asked her to pass a message on to him this morning in a phone call …from all the jazzers who as I am sure will want to let him know we are thinking about him.

So Alan has just sent me the line up…as YES the jazz is on Monday …

Tim Densham…Clarinet/Saxophone…

Bill Brewer…Trombone…

Barry Langston…Piano/Singer…

Alan Cugnoni …Guitar/Banjo…

Mick Betts…Bass…

Craig Hipperson…Drums…

Sounds a great line up …cannot wait to get back to live music and the good company.

Christine and Clover will be there to encourage the raffle money from you, so everyone can continue to have live Jazz… and our Emily will be her smiling self  behind the bar…

As always …please be safe and abide by the rules, sadly seems more cases of covid about this area, but we must start to live again, and I would think like me, many of you are double jabbed against this thing that has taken a lot from our lives.

Happy night to one and all.

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