Thursday, July 08, 2021

Morning Jazzers…

 Morning one and all… I hope everyone is keeping safe and in good health …not sure I trust that all things will be "back to normal" on the 19th, especially after the crowds that have been mixing… just a bit sad that after keeping safe for over a year and everyone having to miss funerals, see people in care homes or get married with all friends attending …suddenly the crowds that have been mixing as on radio and tv for sport seem to have not realised they could have spread covid far and wide and we may be in another crisis again, but maybe I am just scared. I will certainly remain one of those wearing masks in shops and crowds.

Well after that rant…As I have not heard any different I take it this Wednesday at The Locks Inn …the Jazz will be taking place. If I hear anything will add on at a later date, so keep looking in…

Face Book has dug up a memory from 5 years on my timeline, so will pop that on.

Alistair Griffin has started his tour …this year to celebrate all the NHS workers, he has started in Scotland and it was so good to see two gigs in peoples gardens yesterday, we are a lucky bunch to be able to chat to friends on his site while listening to great music.

I have not heard how Roy is, but seems our Robin is still in hospital as do hear from him.

Stay safe one and all…we will get better weather at some time? The gardens are suffering but the bees and butterflies seem to be thriving which is a good thing.

So as have not heard much from Jazz folk of late I will sign off with the photo.

Just watched Alistair and Dave tonight on their tour playing to those who have been busy in the NHS. This is in Scotland.

Remember as the Wednesday jazz gig will be outside, keep warm clothing handy.

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