Thursday, December 03, 2020

Hello Jazzers…

 Here we go again yet another Thursday and December as well! What a year this has been …so sad …mostly lonely and miserable for so many. But hopefully the people who check in here to try and keep the music going …I hope that this is helping.

So many people are thinking Christmas has started but it has not done so here just yet, as like to keep it special, no idea if we can manage that though …until we know all the rules to come, but we will look on the bright side and I will include a couple of photos of the Sole Bay from December 2019 when we did not know what was to come to spoil it then…and one of Oscar last Christmas.

Thanks once again to Neil ,who although busy decorating, has spent some time looking through some old photos, and they are lovely, also another great sketch one of the Brandeston Band that Mike Leigh had drawn. Love to you and Sandy …thank you for keeping my spirits up.

Roy Symonds sends love to all, like many of us missing the hugs and the company. June and Les also give me a ring now and then, they look in. Lots of nice phone calls thank you for those…Jan sends her hello as well, looking forward to seeing her for a cuppa soon, has been strange as we have been good and keeping away from people, the old phone bills will be high though!!!

"That was a lovely surprise a phone call from our Sheila Denny, cheered me up bless her, she loves to look on here, so I told her I would send her love to you all."

Better pop these photos on …enjoy… Stay safe and well …miss you all.


  1. I've been thoroughly enjoying these "memories" posts. More please!

  2. Great pictures Beryl well done, looks like the first Christmas for years when I won’t be playing Jingle Bells & Rudolph the Red Nose Raindeer
    Best wishes to you all

  3. Thanks David glad to know you are enjoying these photos such a lot of memories. Alan it is sad not to be hearing the music, but maybe one day…
    Thanks again to Neil for the great photos…

  4. Tony Nicholls11:45 am

    Cheers Beryl, all good stuff, love the pics. Tony X

  5. Thanks Tony and thanks for the videos on FB xx
