Thursday, October 29, 2020

Morning Jazzers…

 Hello folks, here we go again yet another Thursday without our social evening of Jazz from The Sole Bay Jazz Band…

Well …Craig has had a birthday last week, and this Sunday is Alan's, so Happy Birthday to both. Also to those who I have not got dates of Birthday's for!.

I hope you have all been keeping safe and abiding by the rules whatever they are! very confusing…And I do hope that you are all keeping busy with 'things to do', or maybe like me and a few others, are now finding things difficult …suddenly feeling old and very achy, and not smiling as much sadly, talking to myself as well!! Or maybe I always did?? I pretend I talk to Oscar!!!Missing the social side of life!

However trying to keep busy and not listening too much to the news which is not as pleasant as would like, have started drawing and painting again, as the keyboard gets a bit hard on the old fingers nowadays…and the garden gets harder  but lovely to still get out there when I can, if the weather lets me!!! but luckily Jan and my lovely friends aways keep me going.

Especially Neil bless him… sent me some great photos this week, which I will pop on here.

Roy Symonds sends his love to all… still missing those hugs…lovely photo from Neil of him this week.

Face Book keep sending memories on my site and most of them are photos os The Band! Missing you all.

Alistair is still keeping all of his 700 plus followers happy… by singing and having fun when he can on Face Time…just got his latest album which is delicious! as is his Son who is 5 and keeps us fans wanting to hug him, he has just got some lovely Pudsy Pyjamas for Children in Need! Tom not Alistair, although would not surprise us if he got some!!!!

Thanks Neil for the photos …lovely memories…

Just got permission to post young Tom in his Children in Need jim jams x


  1. Hi Beryl
    Great comments keep on with all your activities you do a good job & thanks for all the best wishes

  2. Hi Beryl. hope this gets through ok, Nice photo of Roy, its a great shame that i have not got any video of Rompin' Roy. Good to hear from him. Tony x

  3. Nice to see you both… yes the blog got updated I am still trying how to sort things…so I had to change the people who can comment,, I am not sure I have any videos of Roy playing Tony,he was always such fun…Maybe my David have some when Roy played at the Con Club will have to ask him. Neil is proving some great photos from the past x

  4. Nice to see apic of Jan Long great singer, I must have been there but I do not remember.
    Love. Ian

  5. Ah! So now I know who "Unknown" is. Yes, Ian, I feel sure you musta been 'there', wherever 'there' is - I do not know for sure, but do wonder if it might have been round at the Dodos' place, at one of our summer gatherings (sadly not this year tho'). Fear not old pal, I have got some photos of your goodself which will appear in due course, if Beryl keeps up the good work. Re the comments about videos of Roy, I'm sure there have been some in the past - - - have to rack the brain to try remember who might have produced them. Just a little post script - wonder if Chris C or Ruth looks in here; I don't think he will have seen the picture of him & Jan- would welcome comments.
    Regs, Neil

  6. Oh Ian you monkey!!!!! Ha ha … I thought the pic was from Kings Head Southwold? of Chris and Jan ? Yes Neil I do know Chris looks in now and again hope he will comment xxx Love that one of Roy xx
