Thursday, August 27, 2020

Jazzers update!

Good morning Jazzer Folks hope all is well with you all…rather a short blog today…may add things later, but have to get in the garden to tidy as much as can after the wind. and while the sun is shining…everything seems to be broken down, ha ha and that includes me!

However thanks Neil for the great e email, with suggestions, good ones as well… and taking on his thoughts one of the items is ……Birthdays …I have not got all the birthday dates, so if anyone feels like saying when their birthday is I can pop it on here… Do know yours Emily!!!!Also Happy Birthday for Sunday Don xxx

Some sad news that Marian passed away last week, and strange as well , on her John's birthday, we miss dear John and now Marian has gone to join him up there with all our wonderful jazzers of the past.

Now we must look to the future and think of how the band can play for us again…I do not expect the band to go as far as Alistair but……

I had a wonderful time at Alistair's gig was lucky to get an invite on one of his social distance gigs, all over the country  in a camper van……they have been in gardens in fields,sheds… and the one I  was at Bressingham near the Gallopers !!! the sun shine for us although the wind was nippy! he has done 11 gigs so far, and I hope his voice keeps well as has a lot more to go. the weather has been so unkind in a lot of places, but they have managed rain or shine, anyone interested go to my time line on FB and see how he has done.

Thanks to all who keep in touch it is lovely …and for all my birthday wishes last week. nice to get out and about again even if socially distant …well did have hugs with family!!!!

Have not had time to look for photos at the moment but I will leave you with this one…

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