Thursday, April 02, 2020

No Jazz!

Another Thursday has come along without our jazz…

Just a hope that all of our Jazz friends are keeping well and safe. Also doing what you have been told to do!!!

Nice that Tony is putting on some videos on Fudges Face Book Sole Bay Jazz page.

So thought would try one from 2012 to bring back memories…cannot remember what it is like but here goes!

Wow… forgot it was not bad for my little camera… remember it taking so long to download unlike the nice phones that people have that do everything nowadays…Jenny sang so well and nice to see Ron again, Tim enjoying himself …Tony looking up… Ray on piano… Craig on drums and Trummy on trombone…that has brought back the old days when dear Keith was there as well…Hope you enjoy.


  1. Oh hello Son not seen you on here of late… yes that was a great night.

  2. We have been so lucky over the years to have had such fine players & great audiences to keep our Thursday nights going WE WILL RETURN


  3. Glad you liked the video Alan that was a really good night 2012… yes more to come just one day at a time.
