Friday, February 14, 2020

Sole Bay Jazz Band with guests…

Another  rather nice evening of music at The Sports Pavilion with The Sole Bay Jazz Band and guests…

Some good different music and Barry singing also young Henry coming along in the second half to play the Saxophone, so good for him to be playing with such talent, always nice to have younger folk coming along liking jazz music.

The second half took off with more fun as well and Barry coming back on piano while Ray played the Cornet and Henry joining in, I love it when they all enjoy themselves as well as playing for us.

So again thanks Sole Bay but what on earth is it with checked shirts?  I do half expect them to start on some country music , ha ha but I like all music so would not bother me!!!

Not sure about the amount of people turning up to the jazz or rather not coming along, I know a lot of people have coughs and colds etc, and other things to attend, but it is always sad to see  empty chairs, when the band comes along each week to play for us. However those who were there again digging deep for the raffle, thanks Clover and Christine and for Duncan and Don folding the tickets…great raffle prizes as well.

Emily cheerful behind the bar, we are liking the new coffee machine! thanks for your help Em.

Wishing all those who are under the weather health wise to get better soon.

A few photos, Fudge has a nice lot on FB.

Hope to see a good crowd next week some special guests coming along.

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