Friday, February 07, 2020

Sole Bay Jazz Band and guests…

Wow what a great night of live music at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham with the Sole Bay Jazz Band and guests… you would not have got such a line up for the price of raffle tickets anywhere else…

A super talented evening of music and songs, how lucky are we to have been able to enjoy such a feast …I have taken a few photos and Fudge has some on FB, Tony will pop some videos no doubt on FB but I have managed to do the one on the post below a bit blurred but it gives those who could not get to jazz an idea of what they missed!

Sad that not a full house but hopefully all those who were there certainly had a great time… 

Thanks Clover and Christine for doing the raffle and for you all digging deep to support the band, thanks as always to Don and Chris last night for folding the tickets.

Our Lovely Emily doing her best to look after everyone with that smile behind the bar, always helpful and love the new coffee machine well done Jon for that really great drop of coffee. Thanks Em for all you do.

Lovely to see some faces that have been missing for a while come back again soon.


  1. Yep, very good vidio Beryl, sound very good too.

  2. Thanks whoever you are!!!!

  3. I wonder who that was ?

  4. Ha ha I have a good idea just glad to hear from people…it means they look and can see the line up…
