Friday, August 02, 2019

Sole Bay Jazz Band …

The Sole Bay Jazz Band was playing at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham last evening to a good crowd…Lovely to see it a bit fuller this week.

No thunder and lightening this week after last weeks evening!

A quieter night of music although a  few  nice up beat ones and some had not heard for a time…  well played to all the band…I like to see a lot of fun between the players, not as much this week, but Tim was on form with some tit bits! a few smiles and nice to see the trumpet for a couple of numbers at the end…

Tim…Derek…Ray…Alan…Tony…Craig… and Barry singing.

Thanks Christine and Clover another well done on the raffle, and as always a big thank you for those who dig deep each week to support the raffle which with Jon's help gets the band each week to play live music for us all. for which we are really happy about.

The boys were busy folding the raffle tickets so thanks to them.

Nice to see Emily back again after her holiday well done Em for you had only just got home.

A few photos


  1. Thank you beryl for your words of encouragement much appreciated xxx

  2. How nice to see a comment x xxxxxx
