Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Chorus of St Cecilia…

The Festival Summer Concert last evening at The Minster Gt Yarmouth was as always with the Choir a wonderful talented one.

Thank you so much Jan, for taking me …Elizabeth, James and Max for my lovely surprise to see and hear you all now back in the Choir makes me so very proud.

What a glorious moving night, Matthew Hardy and his team work so hard to bring these great singers together and provide a wonderful sound.

Christopher Whiting on the piano what a talent he has.

Many years ago we saw a very talented singer… her teacher Matthew Hardy who saw her potential  and encouraged her as he does all his pupils… we went to see her and had goosebumps when she sang even at an early age…Hannah Long, she has gone on to win the title of Norfolk young musician in 2003 and many more awards and degrees ,has performed all over the country, a clever confident young lady now teaches singing herself, but she does come back to the Choir when she can, and what a voice the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and especially at The Minster her high notes sore round the Church.

The Junior Choir are so gorgeous you just want to hug them ,well we do when they have finished singing, they look like little angels!!!!Little mischiefs …

Last night it was popular classics and songs from musicals, also a tribute to one of their team who sadly dies this year and the Choir sang …All in the April Evening and may The Choirs of Angels which brought a tear to the eye…you felt she was looking down on the Choir …so good to see a packed church and the applause was huge as it should be a standing ovation … So thank you to everyone…

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