Monday, January 28, 2019

Foot Warmers gig…

Well that was worth going to the Club Sunday lunchtime, I always love the music but they seemed to have a rather good session, nice selection of music as well…thanks everyone it sounded great, and so good to see the place nice and full, with some of our SBJ followers also…

The Club is looking really good nowadays and the membership is going up again, and Jane is a great Steward …hope people do come and support the Club as we lose so many venues now that can accommodate bands and social events, so do come along and check it out, and of course especially when live music is played.

Ian had brought along a new instrument he called it the square clarinet, but it sounded like several instruments, so will be expecting more sounds from it in the future when he gets used to it more, nice gravel singing as well Ian,…Mike on clarinet nice to see him,… John saxophone and clarinet, …Peter on his guitar and the banjo and such a lovely voice, …Stu on that bass , do love a bass…Pete on his guitar gets more notes from it every time I hear him…Gary on the drums, also letting our Dave have a drum as well for a couple of numbers, so a great bit of jazz and blues.

Took a few photos but my little camera again does not like the lights and I do not like to disturb people with the flash so hope they convey the band as well as I could get, just like our venue at Ditchingham the post always gets in the way…

Just had to include Stella she is a marvel and some people have not seen her for a while she is in a lot of pain, but as you can see from my photo of her the music brings her to life.

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