Cannot believe it was the 7th Anniversary that the Sole Bay Jazz Band has been playing at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham, so much has happened since we have been there, so first I want to say a huge big thank you to all the members and guests who have come along every week to play such talented Jazz for us all.
We have lost a lot of our lovely folk who have followed the Sole Bay Band for many years, but we do not stop thinking about them when we sit listening to the band.
Also the fact that the raffle plus what Jon gives us from the bar has ensured we have a good line up each week, thanks Alan for always finding the line ups, so a big thank you for all those who give generously every week.
When years ago at the Buck Keith asked me to start the raffle to keep the band going I did not think it would bring such good results how much you have all helped, then since Christine and Clover took the raffle over you have continued to give and give …so thank you all from me and the Band.
Thanks to June and Les who had a nice full table full of food this week, when we started in 2011 we did do a lot of food for everyone , but now it is better that each table brings food if they want it, the coven table always manages that as well, and Jon is happy for people to do it.
A good night last night of jazz and a few vocals from Barry which were great… so thanks to all the band.
Thanks to Clover and Christine for the good raffle lovely prizes as always, as well the 'Boys' were back to fold the tickets this week again.
Kim doing a fine job behind the bar, thanks for your help with the change.
Fudge has given me permission to tell you how our Marathon man Robin is …as last night he was hit by a car whilst out running with the Black Dog runners, so we are all upset about that, he has a small skull fracture. broken collar bone and broken leg, so I am sure you will all be with me to wish him a quick recovery and soon come back to listen to the jazz with us all. Get well soon Robin, and love to your wife who must be worrying.
A couple of photos Fudge has some good ones on FB as well. and a good one of Tony looking up from his double bass! I was too slow to catch that!
Great write up Beryl my thanks to everyone for making our Thursday evenings successful
Thanks Alan …