Friday, January 12, 2018

Sole Bay Jazz Band and friends…

A good crowd came along to support the Sole Bay Jazz Band last evening at Ditchingham.

Lord Arsenal managing them all, making sure everyone had a good play as he usually does…the back line must have been shattered as they play all the time, but they did so well, some great solos from Tim as well, and of course always good to have Bill playing his melodic trombone…
They all looked as though they were having fun which is always a good thing…and the crowd enjoyed Allan's singing! He brought some sheet music so a lot of different melodies…Hard job to get audience appreciation they were a bit shy!

We also had a tune on the harmonica from Geoff who popped in.

Thanks Clover and Chris for the raffle …the boys for the ticket folding…and you all for giving so well as all the regulars do.

Hope that all those who were still  unwell and not able to come along, please take care and get better soon.

Lovely to see Heidi  again …never saw anyone so pleased to see you Heidi as Jon was…he was good the week before felt for him so much!! your smiling face is always a tonic.

A couple of photos, our lovely band all wore dark except Craig so did not take too many but they played great!!!


  1. Good comments Beryl. I think at times "Lord Arsenal" comes over a bit too strong,but saying that, he does introduce a fun element into the evening. And Bill Brewer's playing was superb.

  2. Yes the Band certainly had some fun going on. I love bill playing.
