Friday, December 08, 2017

Sole Bay Jazz Band…

Sad to say I have just heard  that another of our gang …Brian Thirtle …passed away yesterday, his son was playing him Bourbon Street Parade just before he died as that was what he loved hearing played the last time he came to jazz… what a lovely way for him to pass on for him, love to all the family…

Another great night of live music from The Sole Bay Jazz Band… 
at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham…

Thanks to the band with some rather good numbers that they dug deep to find, very nice! thanks Barry for the vocals… 

A really good crowd as well which was nice as been a bit thin on the ground of late.

Thanks to Clover and Christine for the raffle and as always the  'boys' for folding the tickets, and of course for you all digging deep so that we can keep the band coming along each week, have been checking around and most charges on the door for live music is £10 so think we all are very lucky at Ditchingham with the talent of our musicians…

Thanks Heidi for always smiling and pleased to see the christmas jumper coming out getting us in the mood!!!

Just wanted to say how sorry to hear that one of our regulars is very ill lots of love and prayers for you Brian. Also for all of our merry band of folk who are under the weather at the moment please take care and get well soon.

Just a reminder that on the 21st December it is our Christmas Party Night… feel free to bring some food for your tables, we have had some great evenings getting us in the mood for the season of santa in the past so let us make this a good one to.…and the raffle will be great!

A few photos… Think check shirts must be in fashion!


  1. Bit of camera shake on Barry's photograph Beryl. Must try harder!! xx

  2. Think it was Barry who moved!
