Friday, June 30, 2017

Sole Bay Jazz Band night…

A good Thursday night at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham…  Thanks Sole Bay Jazz Band…

A good crowd came along and enjoyed live  music always a good line up with our great back line, and Tim, Derek and Ray on the front line. Some great numbers…

It was really good to see a lot of new faces popping in to enjoy the music, some of our regulars are not able to attend nowadays so really good to see a newer crowd, we send our best to all those who are unwell and not able to come along, we do not forget you. And of course our regulars such a great friendly crowd. We need more chairs Jon!!!

Barry came along and gave us a couple of vocals which went down as always very well, even with a change of chord half way through one of them. It is what makes live music good!

Tony took a nose dive still not sure what happened but glad you were ok Tony, that monster of a double bass took over for a bit! woke those who were having a doze or chatting ha ha.

A good raffle thanks to Clover and Chris, and next week we may have a slightly bigger one as you are all digging deep for the band so thought a few extra prizes may tempt you more!! As always thanks to the 'boys' for folding the tickets.

Heidi bet you slept well you were very busy, and thanks for your help as always.

A few photos…

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