Friday, January 27, 2017

Sole Bay Jazz Jazz night…

How does the song go? "Empty Tables…Empty Chairs"……

But of course the weather was not good for travel, so you missed a great night at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham, thanks for all those who braved the icy roads and hopefully you all got home safely. (thanks Jan)

The Band played up a storm, with lots of different styles of playing…

Tim playing 3 different reeds, (not at the same time) Trummy with the trombone and arsonium, always so many notes…

Ray with flying fingers, and a great solo piano piece with Tony on bass and Dave Taylor giving us a little drum action! really good… 

Craig giving the drums a lot of stick and sounding great! With Alan on Guitar and Banjo  enjoying it all, Barry gave us a couple of vocals, may have to get him there a bit more as he does good our Man in Black with a Hat!

Good raffle thank you all for digging deep and for Clover and Chris for working well also getting some nice prizes, and for the 'boys' folding the tickets.

The Band had fun and so did we all, sorry about the Gin and Tonic Colin ha ha…but gave us a laugh…Great friends… 

I am so sorry dear Heidi felt so ill but you did well young lady to be there until the end of the evening hope you soon improve. Also Don hope you are better this morning. And for all those that could not make it there because of illness get well soon.

Some photos from me and Fudge…


  1. Hey Beryl :) sorry we couldn't make it again. Aww poor Heidi..hope she feels better soon. Hope you're OK and great blog as ever. Hope to see you soon! Take care! Xx

  2. Hey Beryl :) sorry we couldn't make it again. Aww poor Heidi..hope she feels better soon. Hope you're OK and great blog as ever. Hope to see you soon! Take care! Xx

  3. Oh and hopefully...some time in the near future..Simon may be able to sing a couple of never know..

    You can't keep a good man down...I know I'm biased but..he is fab! And he will get back to this space! Xx

  4. Hi Kimbles thanks and oh to hear Simon singing again is something all of us at the Jazz are longing for. xxxx thanks for the comments.
