Friday, December 02, 2016

Sole Bay Jazz Band Plus…Plus…

Where do I start on my blog diary today? What a great night of live music good company and lots of laughs with The Sole Bay Jazz Band at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham.

Alan has to think weeks ahead to get a band together each week for us, and because last night was supposed to be Ron Hockett's last evening playing for us, Alan had got some reserves booked to come along if they felt like it so we could have a good night to support him. alas Ron had to go back to 'Trump Land' a few weeks ago, so Alan forgot to cancel anyone, so Trummy came along to make a line up of 8 …but what a great night we all had ,Alan I know how you felt, but it turned out so good so thanks for all your hard work.

As I said it was such a good night, lots of great music and vocals, some great solos …and duets so many different tunes came forth from one and all in the band, so a very different mix which was so nice. A couple of Trombones …Trumpet …Cornet…Clarinet…Saxophone…Piano…Banjo…Guitar…String Bass, Drums… Vocals…wow…

Bit loud sitting at the front, but so good to sit there after years of not seeing the band properly from the side, and what great company Simon and Kim so good to see you both, and Simon thank goodness recovering well even after another spell in JPH, nearly ready to sing? I know it is your aim, and thanks for the mention on the DVD clever boy.…Stella in fine voice  enjoying every minute, Ruth, Dr David and Richard glad you are liking the jazz. Brian thanks for the gift! Fudge,Robin and Bob to mention a few. It is still strange not to chat to one and all now that the ladies have taken over the raffle, but good to see you all there.

A really good crowd to support the band as well, and thanks to Clover and Chris for a lovely raffle and for our boys who were back again to fold the tickets, and Don who has managed to do the job while they were away.

We are so lucky to have so many regulars  … we have lost a few this year and a lot are sick, so may I wish those who are unwell a speedy recovery from me and of course the Sole Bay Jazz Band.

Heidi of course the start of Christmas and the pretty Christmas Jumper returns, well done your smiling face is always such a pleasure.

I took lots of photos but you know my camera is not the best, but hope you can enjoy them…Not much colour going on Gentlemen where are the bright shirts?

Got to say it was GREAT Band you done us all proud how lucky are we to have such talent with no entrance fee …all for the price of a raffle ticket, thank goodness so many of you appreciate the Band and have more than one raffle ticket so we can have live music every Thursday evening.

We have a few more Thursday evening before Christmas, the last evening for the band is on 22nd December, and John does not mind if you all bring some food for your tables and enjoy a Christmas Special, we have had some great buffets there but it got too much sorry, but I am sure as always there will be food for those who cannot bring any.


  1. Great write up & pictures Beryl well done

  2. My pleasure Alan anything I can do to help you all…

  3. Hi Beryl.

    Was lovely to see you all Thursday..even if it was for the first half..sorry..had been a long day!

    Great pics and write up as usual. Hope to see you very soon. Love

  4. Lovely to see you both Kim take care hugs B x
