Friday, November 04, 2016


This Thursday evening the 3rd of November at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham The Sole Bay Jazz Band and Friends pulled a real firework out of the bag!

It is 5 years now since we have been at The Pavilion, thanks Jon for taking the band in. What great live music we have had over the years.

A good crowd came along to support these talented gentlemen and had a real treat, obviously the band with guests are always good, but last evening it was like a mini orchestra !!

Tim heading the band on Baritone/Sax/Clarinet with a lot of fun chat …nice to see all the smiles…Ron Hockett Sax/Clarinet brilliant as always…Trummy Mayhew with that many noted Trombone, whoops and no Arsonium! Ray Simmons fingers flying on those piano keys…Alan Guitar/Banjo even without his trusted computer had to go back to the chord book first half and took a lot of stick! all in fun though…Tony Jullings our Professor on the String Bass, must give a special mention of Ron West our very talented sit in Drummer wow what great drumming appreciated by one and all…
Thank you so much gentlemen…By the way Ron Hockett will be with us again in two weeks we have to make the most of him before he returns to the US.

Thanks to Clover and Chris for doing the raffle…Heidi as always smiling…Great to see Fudge back again even with a broken arm, glad you did not miss the after party at the Beer Festival after all that hard work!

So good to see Simon, Sheila and Kim back again, and oh Simon what a great night to see you walking so well and taking videos, we all know how hard it is for you but gold star for keeping up the good work, pushing hard to get back to us hearing that voice again.

Such a lovely lot of friendly folk at the Jazz, I do not get the chance to talk to you all now I do not do the raffle but still nice to see you.

It was hard to get around because of all the video cameras  there will still be some strange images passing in front of cameras and to see Heidi trying to get past doubled up and poor Fudge with that arm in plaster trying to dodge being on film!!!!! Still will be great music on the videos that is for sure.

Did not get a photo of all the band together but got a few shots…

Just to add if anyone knows how "Bob at the Bar" is can you let me know we miss him…


  1. Was fab to see you all again...we will try our best to come and support the band as often as possible, and of course to see everyone.

    You are all so friendly and we both appreciate the kind words and support you have given us...Simon WILL get back to singing! Watch this space. Take care Beryl..Speak soon. Xxx

  2. We look forward to that day Kim love to you both and the family xx
