Thursday, September 08, 2016

Day Trip…

Yesterday the two Jan's and me went off on one of our little days out…

Jan  1 drove and off we went to Reedham Ferry, what a day we thought to go out, raining but muggy, ah well…it has been many years since I have been to the Ferry but JJ said it was good and it was a real treat including the radio suddenly saying Ferry Ahead as we approached which made us all jump.

Nice Ferry man and Jan made a good job of getting us on the deck, a short journey across which of course saves mile round the roads. There were cars following so we could not stop but on the way a lovely old pump house… should have taken photo but I am sure we will go again…Lots of the old houses were being refreshed and no doubt will be summer second homes however they are being done really nicely …great villages no wonder London folk want to come to our sweet countryside.

The views on the way were so good as being flat could see for miles. the sun came through in the end and the rain stopped… we were heading for Moulton Nurseries, and well worth the trip, I am sure the 2 J's were fed up with me going 'wow' as I have never seen such a display of well tended flowers and plants, and I wanted them all for my garden! They also have the most enchanting display of gifts oh dear you could spend a lot of money there, but just to look was really nice and wonder how someone finds all these lovely things.

A clever lady has a hat shop in the centre and what talent everything was so gorgeous, so spent a nice time wandering round going wow again!!

We then went into the restaurant which was nice and clean and home cooked food, lovely lunch and a huge hot cup of coffee, then back to the flowers, we of course did spend a little!!!!!!

Thanks ladies I had a really great day out, good one JJ for thinking of that one, and there is more to come on here as we went on to the river so watch this space…

Just a few of the photos does not do the flowers justice so you should go and check them out!! Sorry ladies caught you on the last one .. 

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