Friday, August 05, 2016

Sole Bay Jazz and Friends…

Another great night of live music from the Sole Bay Jazz Band at the Sports Pavilion Ditchingham.

A very large crowd came along lots of new faces, so some of the regulars had to fight for chairs…again some did not really listen to the music, pity some people talk all the time and not in the breaks however most of us go to listen to the music, so we do try not to let the few spoil the many…

I must say we had two little children who behaved so well, not a chat there, they just sat on the floor and watched it all and gave us a demo of dancing in the interval, very proud of you hope you enjoyed it. So good to see youngsters into jazz!

Lovely to see some who are not well come along to enjoy the music, and those who are still unwell you are all in our thoughts and get better soon and come back to us.

Thanks to all those who dug deep for the raffle much appreciated as with Jon's import from the bar it helps towards the band and the prizes, thanks for those who have contributed to the prizes again.

Of course thanks to my raffle tickets folders, and Clover for her furniture removals ha ha they are flipping heavy aren't they Clover… Thanks of course to Jon who took a lot of stick taking over from Heidi even if Tim did not think you were as pretty as Heidi John we think you are lovely sorry you did not win a prize though.

Lots of different music and Roy was able to give us a few songs which was rather nice.

Great playing from these talented musicians thanks Gary for sitting in for Craig, hope you enjoyed it.


  1. Anonymous4:42 pm

    I must agree with your remarks regarding the children. Actually showing some adults how it should be done and a pleasure to see. Always an honour to see Derek, a great man of music.

  2. Yes a good night, Derek has his 10 stitches out of his head today, naughty man should not have been playing!
