Friday, July 29, 2016

Sole Bay Jazz Band…

What a great night of live music at the Sports Pavilion Ditchingham last evening…

Our super line up entertained us with some real mood music, and it was very very enjoyable by the applause and whistles that went on.

Thank you to our six talented musicians who entertained a lovely large crowd of fans, it was great…

Some fun as well always a pleasure to see the band enjoying themselves as well as us…Also some wonderful duets on the clarinets and saxophones from Tim and Ron, as always fingers Ray on the Piano, and our intrepid three backing boys who keep the beat going. How lucky are we…

Thanks for digging deep as usual for the raffle, seems to provide a nice interlude, and nice that the prizes get spread around, also as always thanks to my lovely raffle ticket folders, and of course our furniture removal ladies that set the hall up for us… We are so lucky to have our little Club of fans that come every week to support the musicians.

Thanks Heidi hope you have a good holiday we will miss you, but expect Jon will have found us someone to cater for the thirsty crowd… Also Fudge and Jess who are off to Scout Camp, mmm that sounds good!!!

So good to see some of our rather ill fans turning up …we all wish them well and long may they come along … big hugs Don loved your choice of requests as always…maybe soon Simon will be recovered enough to come and sing again wishing him all the very best from all of us and keep fighting Simon. Love to Sheila as well what a lot our lovely Denny family have had of late, but hoping soon things will start to improve …miss you…

A few photos of our talented six…Really should try a bit harder to concentrate on taking photos am too busy moving to the music beat, note to self …must try harder…


  1. Anonymous10:13 am

    Incredible brilliant evening. Well worth the 70 mile trip.It's a jazz club but Fatts got the loudest applause. Hoping for "Sweet little sixteen" next week???.

  2. Great wasn't it Brian, thanks as always for coming such a long way, wow 'sweet little sixteen' seems a long time ago and I love Secret Love. not that I have one!!!!! ha ha x

  3. At the risk of being a trifle politically incorrect (but in the best possible taste of course), which of the three words 'sweet - little - sixteen' is the most appropriate one might be prompted to enquire! Don't know about the 'secret' part however, that might have to be totally ruled out at my age - - - - ?

  4. Anonymous3:47 pm

    This sounds all a bit fishy to me !

  5. Anonymous4:24 pm

    'Secret Love'was released during 1953 while 'Sweet little sixteen' was released in 1958. if the latter seems alog while ago to you Alifan. However old are you ?

  6. 1937 is my birth year Brian,my Mum used to perform and sing on the stage and I always went with her to her consert parties …so I grew up with Gracie Fields Vera Lynne and 'Nobody loves a fairy when she's forty'! bet you never heard of that one? oh Neil you are but a youngster and sweet xx

  7. Anonymous7:53 pm

    You did not have to answer Alifan. 'Noboddy loves a fairy when she's old'

  8. Cannot get the flipping old song out of my brain now ha ha my Mum had a lovely voice. I am proud to be old (sometimes ha ha).
