Friday, July 15, 2016

Sole Bay Jazz Band…

Last night the 14th July at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham, yet another night of live music was enjoyed by a good crowd to support the band.

A different evening with a drummer we have had before who did  great job standing in for our Craig, thank you all for giving us some great music, even though some of the members were under the weather very  good for them to come along and play for us, nothing like Live music.

I was sorry that some fans seem to  have decided to miss out because they were asked to talk more quietly several weeks ago, but it is a jazz night, and most of us although we like to chat, do not so  for long at a time,  you have been missing some great jazz! But we had a great crowd in the Club as Tim called it last night lovely to see a few new people as always.

It was also very nice to see our Denny family there again, it would have been Keith's birthday and although they have been through such a lot recently they always come up trumps and put a brave face on their problems, so great to see you all. Love giving Sheila a hug , and she got a nice lot last evening…sorry still some bad things to get over but come again soon we love you all. Well done Simon to not let the stroke stop you, hopefully although the journey may be longer than you would like  you have great support from Kim you will be back singing for us again in the future and we hold you to that!

One of our lovely members had some sad news, sorry to hear that you cannot fight that damn cancer anymore Don but what a journey you have made such a brave and lovely man, I do hope the time you have left ( hope it will not be too painful ) you will be able to still come along and enjoy the music while you can, a real trouper I have no idea how you managed 12 years of this hell, but thank you for talking about it, giving others hope.

Thanks as always to my raffle ticket folders what would I do without you…Thanks to all those lovely people who bring prizes along to help, and of course for digging deep. We did do well this week thanks to one and all, looked like a shop with all the prizes, and nice that they seem to be won around the room. Heidi as always looking after us all, and of course our local ladies moving furniture around and keeping us smiling, so good to have friends that gather together to hear live music.

It was a bright night for photos look at that colour! Thanks guys well done.

Next week we have the pleasure of Roy and his Band, while the Sole Bay have other commitments …details later…

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