Friday, July 22, 2016

Roys band at the Pavilion…

Last evening at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham, Roy and his band of merry men played for us while the Sole Bay had  a break…

Well done to you all, so sorry not many people came along to support the band, however those who did I hope enjoyed something different.

Thank you everyone who did come to the live music and  dug deep for the raffle, also those who helped me by bringing some gifts much appreciated. Of course thanks to my raffle folders as always. and for our ladies who get the room set up. Heidi smiling as always, after her day of being a Mum with children that changed schools, it is hard when they grow so fast isn't it Heidi.

 We had some different music last night, a mixture of jazz blues etc…and a lot of singers! Lovely to see Jenny being brave and stepping up, and apart from the band who nearly all sang, a young lady called Hannah came along and sang as well.  I did not feel there was so much fun and Romping Roy between the band as there usually is but it was hot …but still some great playing, so well done to all.

A few photos, and Barry let me have your e mail so I can send the photos, still not as good as the one I took before! but the hat is different!!!! Also Fudge took a good photo will pop it on if she sends it to me.

Next week we should have The Sole Bay Jazz Band back so please come along and support the live music, as you know if you don't you will lose it.


  1. Hi Beryl. I'm having trouble with my computer, so I'm trying to do this on June's Tablet.
    I agree with you about it being a great night. At the end I was talking to several fans,and they all said how much they had enjoyed Hannah's singing. The most important thing was her sense of jazz feeling which we all enjoy. We all miss Simon so much, and all agreed that it would be wonderful if we could hear Hannah more in the future...We can but hope. I do know that she would like to sing for us.
