Friday, June 10, 2016

Sole Bay Jazz Band…

Another great night of live music from The Sole Bay Jazz Band… at The Sports Pavilion Ditchingham…

Some great numbers played very good vocals from Tony and our Jenny once again proving 'never give in' her motto, it was so good to hear her sing again, and getting more like the old times well done Jenny.

Thanks as always to all who contributed to the raffle and those who always bring prizes to help, also to my raffle ticket folders…

Heidi smiling through and good friends great music what more could one want, plus a few of our 'wounded soldiers' were back again and very pleased we were to see them hoping good health continues to you all.

Tony a great giggle when you sang to Stella! and then to me!

Not sure I want to write this on here but it is worrying me that some people think I overstep the mark, maybe because I was a landlady I always want people to enjoy themselves…But  I want to say how sorry I am that I have stepped on some peoples toes by asking that they were not so loud and constantly talking …through the solo playing especially … we all chat and I know I do sometimes disturb folk going round while music is playing to collect raffle money…however as we know the idea is to listen to the jazz, and it is not just me who they upset because so much noise was going on, please try and realise even though it is a Social Club and lovely that everyone comes along to enjoy themselves, just be aware that some people do get annoyed when loud constant chatter with backs turned to the band disregard the fact some people wish to just listen to the band… So having said that …again I apologise for trying to make the evening of live music a happy one for all…also to try and help in having live music every week…

Right back to the band!


  1. Anonymous3:26 pm

    It's great to be on my feet again.Great to visit Ditchingham to meet again some great people and listen to some great music.

  2. Also very good to see you back, lovely to meet Ninja he is very nice!!
