Friday, November 13, 2015

Sole Bay Jazz Band

Another different night at the Sports Pavilion Ditchingham, in more ways than one!

Good band, nice lot of musical magic, and some laughs…

Different as well as it seems all the tables and people seemed to have changed the room around, really strange, so the coven table had to move to the back, and we had several new folk coming along, Sheila was not there, so I took her seat to be near the raffle, actually nice to see the band instead of viewing the post from the side! so some of my lovely friends came and sat with me, where we proceeded to apparently upset the band, in the nicest way of course. 

So a nice lots of laughs, but do hope we can get back to the normal seating next week as it did seems really weird. Know you will be pleased Fudge ha ha…

Thanks Clover for helping with the raffle, she has agreed to take  that on when I am unable to be there, thanks to all the raffle ticket folding! Nice prizes and thanks to those who help with goodies each week, building up for a good raffle at Christmas gig…so good to have a nice selection of people winning, thanks to everyone for digging deep as I say every week, without your help and Jon the band would not have such a nice venue to play each week, with talented musicians.

Lovely Heidi always smiling behind the bar! not sure if I said goodnight sorry…

Nice to see some fans returning after holidays and work, but also sad that some of the fans will no longer be with us only in spirit…  some fans are unwell, so wishing all good health and they can return to enjoy the live music.

A few photos… bit strange colour this week sorry…thanks Sole Bay for another night of live music…thanks also to Geoff who gave us a tune on the harmonica…

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