Friday, September 25, 2015

Sole Bay Jazz Band plus…

Well the farewell party continued last evening with the Sole Bay Jazz Band playing wonderful music plus Simon singing, that was certainly a great send off and tribute to dear Keith, who as I have said a lot of late that he will always be there in spirit.

Before anything, must add that the family put on the best buffet I have seen for a while, thank you all for letting us share in it all, and plenty for people in the evening as well.

I took a few photos which tells the story more than I can I suppose, as it was such good music, and Simon so brave and sounding really great with some very moving songs that brought  tears from some of us. His outfit great especially the wearing of his dad's bow tie and braces well done young man. Oh that sounds as though he did not have a suit on! but he did and very smart as well.

Just must say a big thank you to all those who supported the raffle and it was a good one with great prizes and Heidi won the star one, which was such a lovely moment as she deserved that as the family had bought it also Keith was so very fond of her as we all are, nice to hear the cheers Heidi and thank you for the good job you do and those lovely smiles.

Such good friends there as always… must mention thanks to my Jan for driving back and forth yesterday, also with her,Colin, Duncan,Don for the job as always of folding those raffle tickets, many people have suggested an easier way for the raffle but so good to see the lines of tickets  on the tables it is such a good laugh as well especially last night, thanks Tim for making it so amusing…

Great to see the family enjoy the evening with dancing as well, and some of the fans joining in! an evening to remember, hope there are not too many sore heads this morning!! Lovely family who have always made me feel welcome, nice to see them altogether.

Nice to see some folk back after illness or breakages!!!! and sending all the best to those of the fans who are too unwell to come along, we miss you.

Thank you to all the faithful members of the band who played so well again and I know Keith will always be there with us to hear it every week. and of course dear Sheila who was brave and sweet as always, I am sure I can speak for everyone that we look forward to seeing her every week to be with all her friends as it is hard to lose our loved ones, but so good to have friends who can ease the pain and help to carry on with life.

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