Friday, August 28, 2015

SoleBay Band with friends

Thursday night at the Jazz was very good… lots of different music and loads of laughter and fun as well as some very talented playing and singing from the band members…We are so lucky as I say all the time, to be able to have live music without paying an entrance fee.

A couple of really good solos from Tim, and then from Ray on the piano accompanied by Tony and Craig… as I said some great playing from them all… Tony P sang some good songs and brought some laughter as well, Allan sang one , and Simon oh some great ones Simon again.

Lovely crowd if towards the end rather a loud one, sad when people want to listen however cannot help it I suppose,  we enjoyed it at the front…and to be among friends is just great. Miss you June hope the wrist improves quickly…  for all who are a bit under the weather hurry back and get well soon.

Thanks to Keith who got us a nice lot of prizes and who although unwell Sheila and him come along every week, we do appreciate it Keith, hope you have some good days soon…Thanks to all who contributed to the raffle it is appreciated as all helps to bring these fine musicians to us. We have some very different line ups coming along so keep watching here…

Thanks to one of Jon's daughters for helping with the bar, while our Heidi celebrated her Wedding Anniversary…

A few photos…I should concentrate more I think …but they are rather spread out for my little camera, I was offered for a lift up onto the bar so I could get them all in…but………

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