Friday, July 24, 2015

Sole Bay Jazz Band with friends…

Every week it seems we have another great evening of live music at the Sports Pavilion. in Ditchingham.

A really good crowd attending even if many of the regulars are in holiday or unwell, amazing that so many people seem to come along to support live music. needing more chairs really, glad some bring garden ones! A few new faces appearing each week…

Different evening of music again with the line up, such talent, we had Roy give us some vocals as well as Simon was unwell.

Another evening rather warm in the Club, however lots of doors open, for the little breeze there was.

Thanks as always Heidi, sorry you have so much chat down that end, you worked hard and keeping the smile going. Fudge great mystery looks ha ha. wish could stop some people shouting when the solos are being played, we all chat during the evening …and I annoy a lot when collecting the raffle money from the late comers when the band is playing…pity though when single players are entertaining us all.But of course it is a social evening and lovely for friends to meet up each week.

Thanks for those who dig deep for the raffle as that helps to keep the band going, I know I say that a lot as well (as about the loud chat) however it is hard for Alan to find these talented musicians each week without your support, most places charge an entrance fee, we are so lucky that we get the band for a few £'s and the chance of winning that 1st prize!!!!So keep digging deep please… As always thanks Keith for organising, it is not easy I know with you and Sheila not in the best of health, but worth it to you I know to get there every week.

Must thank June also Les for helping with the folding of tickets, As our usual helpers were on holiday, we have had a lot of people suggest how to change the raffle, however I still think folk like to line up their tickets on the tables so we will stick to the system…

So thanks Sole Bay and guests another lovely evening…already looking forward to next week, will put the line up on when Alan sends it to me.

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