Friday, September 05, 2014

Sole Bay Jazz and Guests …

I really do not know where to start with a report on the Sole Bay playing last night at the Sports Pavilion…without putting all really fabulous words about what a great night it was…

So with guests Ron and Ray Simmons joining Tim …Craig…Tony…Alan…we were treated to a magical evening of live music… Tim had a programme sorted, so it all went from one good tune to another, lots of different tunes from what we have heard for a while…how well they all played, it sounded like  a well rehearsed  show, it is so wonderful to know that a few people can get together on a Thursday evening, and provide us with such musical talent. The music was still going round in my head for a long time as I am sure it was to those who were playing…

A big thank you to you all…Craig those drumsticks are not only magic they fly on their own!!! Tony on Bass those fingers working well… Alan back with us again on guitar and banjo, (your face Alan when I said I could not get on my blog to write up a report because my new hub had wiped my web out, you will be pleased to see that a new hub has arrived, and I have managed to set it all up and working well…so here we are)…
Ray on the piano with fingers flying along those keys… and what can I say about Ron and Tim playing their hearts out and sounding so good both on their own and together…A real pleasure gentlemen thank you…

Simon came to sing a few songs, and Roy did a couple of numbers the second half…

Thanks Heidi for providing the hard work behind the bar, and what  a busy night it was, more new faces there, and lots of us regulars, so happy to see that most of the regulars bring their own chairs, pity they are so low to sit on, but better than standing, it seems that the word gets around that for the price of a raffle ticket ( the more you pay the more different guests can be invited to play , well and of course the joy of trying to win the top prize!!) ) One  can be in a friendly place and listen to music that would cost a lot of money for tickets anywhere else…

I wish I had time to get the camera out, would loved to have done a video, but of course enjoyed the music so much forgot  to get the camera out!

So hope to see you all next week…


  1. Well Done you Techno wizard !! & what a write ! up but even if I say so myself it was a special night, a selection of songs many of us have not played for some time all went pretty well even if a little testing.

    As I said many many thanks to everyone for the contiued & loyal support.


  2. Alway special Alan but it was a very special evening…
    So pleased I managed to sort the hub so could write up a little report.

  3. Well, what can i say, the night was smokin'. These fantastic musicians played so wonderfully that i was quite transported away to somewhere really nice.
    Tunes that stick in my mind were Sophisticated Lady and C Jam Blues, both Duke songs, they both came alive for me. Hoagy's One Morning in May was a treat.
    And Sidney Bechet's Si tu voir ma mere (not a horse :)) was a moving delight. These are just a few of the stand-out numbers although there were so may others.
    I loved the eclectic influences in the mix, a few Bird li ke licks from Ron Hockett, smashing.And it was obvious from where I was sitting that the musicians knew some special was being produced and were enjoying themselves as we all were on the floor.
    Evenings like that night are so precious that they stay in the memory. I want to say a big thank-you to all the musicians and all those who made it possible, raffle and all. Also a big thank you to all the friendly and welcoming people I've met there, hello, Helle.
    All you lot out there in cyberland, do yourself a favour and come along any Thursday, get a drink and buy lots of raffle tickets and enjoy.
    Off to my other great love, Milestones in Lowestoft on Sunday. Jazz is a broad church and there's room for everyone.
    love Kevin

  4. Thanks Kevin quite a write up, glad you enjoyed it…
    Live music is the best…

  5. Thank you also Kevin thats what makes it all worthwile

