Friday, July 04, 2014

Sole Bay Jazz…

A good night of different jazz at the Sports Pavilion last evening…

A nice crowd came along to listen to the live music, A bit different as I said, as some of the gentlemen had music to read, nice arrangements that some of them were not sure of, but it was very talented,  I as you all know personally do prefer it when they just play freely, so they have some fun as well, but that may be because I was not in a receptive  mood last night… however they are very very good  and we did have some unusual musical themes…

We did however have some great fun when Tony Parsons gave us his Russian song, it took some by surprise, I think we have a little video somewhere of when he performed it before a long while ago, Not sure if some of the non regular folk realised what was going on……Simon Denny came along to sing some very moving melodies…, and Roy Symonds sang and entertained everyone with his usual aplomb, He and his 'Romping Roy's Boys will be along next week to entertain us all by the way, as some of the Sole Bay have other summer commitments…

Thanks to Jazz Janet who took over the raffle as I was a bit under par! well done I appreciated you doing it and of course the band does as well……

Thanks Heidi as always, and hope you soon feel better…

So good to see so many people turning up to support these fine musicians each week… Thank you all from the band…keep coming as lots more in store for everyone…


  1. As many of you keep saying at least there is some variety each week even if not appreciated by all.

  2. Yes you know me Alan love to see fun as well as good music, but I was under the weather so maybe I was not the best person to do a write up…

  3. sorry to hear that

    check it out
